Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Art Assets

I put a bit more time into the art assets for the terrain engine, so that's closer to being done.

New completion estimate:

Art Assets:          From 45% to 48%
Game Engine:     From 54% to 59%
Mission Scripts:  From 7% to 8%
This game will actually be completed some day, as long as "Feature Creep" doesn't win.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Terrain Engine

The terrain code is almost half done. You can land on a planet and drive around now. I still need many more art assets to make planet surface exploration more interesting.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018


Most of my coding work went into my platform game, still spent a bit of time on Star Freighter. 

New completion estimate:

Art Assets:          From 40% to 45%
Game Engine:     From 52% to 54%
Mission Scripts:  7%